Mineralölwerk GmbH
Lubricants made in Germany - since 1884
Kategorie-Auto Kategorie-Transporter Kategorie-LKW Kategorie-Landwirtschaft Kategorie-Baumaschinen
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Finke Oilfinder

AVIATICON - Oilfinder

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Die HSN und TSN sind die Herstellerschlüselnummer und die Typschlüsselnummer.
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Die TSN sind die ersten 3 Zeichen unter 2.2.

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The information on this website is based on the general experience and knowledge of Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH in the development and manufacture of lubricants and corresponds to our current level of knowledge. The mode of operation of our products depends on a variety of factors, in particular on the specific application, the application of the products, the operating conditions, the component pretreatment, possible dirt accumulation from the outside, etc. For this reason, general statements about the function of our products are not possible. The information on this homepage represents general, non-binding guide values. In no case, however, do they contain an assurance of properties or a guarantee for the suitability of the product for the individual case. We therefore recommend that you have an individual consultation with the contact persons at Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH before using our products about the conditions of use and the features of the products. It is the responsibility of the user to test the functionality of the products in the intended application and to use them with the necessary care. Our products are continuously developed. We therefore reserve the right to change the product range, the products and their manufacturing processes as well as all information at any time and without notice. All previous publications lose their validity. Reproductions of any kind and form require the prior written approval of Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH.